Joanna Januszczyk
I was born and raised in Poland during communism time. I immigrated to the USA in the late nineties. Currently I reside in the town of Sebastopol in California. Since I remember I was always spiritual and had a strong attraction to any metaphysical subjects, energetic healing and shamanism.
I strongly believe that things happen in life for a reason.
My journey of spiritual enlightenment and self-healing led me to the discovery of many spiritual practices and modalities. I discovered the channeled works of Jane Roberts, who presented the vast material in many books; "Seth Speaks", "The Seth Material'', "Creating your own Reality" and other titles. That led me naturally to Abraham Hicks and many other authors like Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Dr. Brian L. Weiss.
Later I found the work of Dolores Cannon and all the research she did with her subjects opened my eyes even more. I was impressed and fascinated by the knowledge and wisdom included in those books. Reading expanded my reality. The knowledge opened new doors and possibilities for me.

- connecting with your Higher Self
- Spiritual Insights
- resolving fear of death
- resolving unexplained fears and phobias
- resolving or reducing unexplained pain with underlying emotional cause
- resolving relationship issues
- resolving addictions
- resolving emotional issues
- resolving intrusive thoughts
- releasing attachments