Psycho-Spiritual Hypnotherapy (ONLINE)
Focuses on personal growth, introspection and emotional healing through non-ordinary states of consciousness. This method includes various modalities: techniques used in clinical hypnotherapy, introspection, communicating with your inner wisdom the Higher Self, connecting to your guides and power animals, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), emotional freedom technique (EFT). These methods help directly engage the Higher Self in the process of emotional healing and balancing, developing self-awareness, creativity and better understanding of your life and the Self.
Psycho-Spiritual Hypnotherapy focuses on personal growth, introspection and emotional healing through non-ordinary states of consciousness.
This session typically lasts about 90 minutes. You will receive Zoom meeting details via email prior to your session date.
Time is in Pacific Standard Time Zone (Los Angeles).
*If you would like to request a session during a time/date that is not available, please contact me directly.